Thursday, July 16, 2009



Peggy is proud Mom to daughter Jessica (above) and dog, Bentley. Jessica just turned 18 and plans on attending ISU this fall. Peggy also has six siblings: 4 older brothers and 1 younger sister and 1 younger brother. Wow!

The most amazing moment in Peggy's life has been the day she got the phone call from the adoption agency saying she was going to become a Mom to a baby girl! She still gets goose bumps of joy when she thinks about it!

Peggy celebrates her birthday each year on September 10th with family and friends.

Peggy grew up in Denison, Iowa. She is currently the Secretary tot he Director of Polk County Public Works. She's also been a Human Resources Assistant and Benefits Specialist for Polk County, and years ago she was a bank teller...and then there was the period that she worked on a commercial construction crew...hanging insulation and assisting the dry wall crew!

When asked what the craziest thing she's ever done...that she's willing to share...she replies..."uhm...still trying to decide which one is the craziest!" Guess she didn't want to share.

Peggy's most embarrassing moment came at her brother's 40th birthday party...something about she woke up sleeping on the bathroom counter!

When asked if she could go back in time what one thing would she change she responded...Oh, George Clooney and I would have met that time he visited Denison and we would have swept each other off our feet! LOL. But on a more serious note, I believe most everything happens for a reason, so to change any one thing, just think of the potential differences it could have had on our lives today. For instance, if Lincoln would not have been assassinated....

Peggy's favorite quote is: Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see. ~~Mark Twain~~

Peggy first heard about BT when she saw an article in the DSM Register. She thought "how fun would that be" (can't you just hear her saying that!). Then she was talking about it at work and found out that a co-worker's sister (that would be Sherry Ryan) was starting up an Ankeny chapter. So off she and a friend went to the first meeting and she got excited about the potential of meeting new friends and having the opportunity to help with a charity.

When asked what's the best ting she's participated in for BT she says "Wow, there have been so many." She did narrow it down to the Halloween Party we put on for Candeo...or could it be donating her time for the Big Brothers Big Sisters Fishing Derby, de-hooking fish?!?!? Or coordinating and gathering Christmas gifts for our adopted BBBS family?

Peggy loves our monthly gatherings. We always have fun and laughter whether we are meeting for a social evening or if it is for helping our charity.

Peggy's words of wisdom to other women fighting frump....Make the best of each day. Relax, kick back and enjoy what life has to offer.

When asked what a a thong is to her, Peggy replied: "If you think of your arms as the strap of the thong, then I see a thong as arms reaching out to connect new friends."

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