Friday, July 23, 2010


The August meeting is being hosted by Nocona and Cathy (Nocona's Mom) and will be held at Cathy's house in Johnston: 5887 Hawthorn Court. Be there at 6:00pm please.

Bring your swim suit if you want to swim in the pool (it's privacy fenced)!

Dr. Brenton Koch with Koch Plastic Surgery will be our speaker. He does motivational speaking and will be speaking on "Survivor of the Prettiest." It is some truths about beauty and how we really see ourselves and how we see others.

Please RSVP to Nocona at by Saturday, July 31st

Directions to Cathy's home:
Take Merle Hay road to Pioneer Pkwy (light where Panera is) go west on Pioneer Pkwy to Winwood Drive. You will take a right and when you come to the stop sign look straight ahead there is a 1/2 circle which is Hawthorn Court. Her house is the darker brown ranch straight ahead as you look forward from the stop sign

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